Home » Produk » GD/F55 Advanced Childbirth and Mother and Child First Aid Simulator

GD/F55 Advanced Childbirth and Mother and Child First Aid Simulator

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    System composition:
    ■Mother (for childbirth and adult first aid)
    ■Newborn (for first aid and nursing)
    ■Fetus (for childbirth)
    ■Departure process and fetal heart sound controller
    ■Adult CPR electronic display
    ■Simulated cervical os
    ■Prenatal cervical changes and Birth canal relationship module (6 stages) 48 – hour postpartum
    uterus Module for
    postpartum episiotomy and suture
    Simulation of placenta/umbilical cord Equipped with two mechanical adapters for connecting the simulated fetus for delivery, there are elastic fastening devices between the fetus and the adapter, the adapter and the adapter, and the adapter and the transmission device. There are system protective limit switches on the upper and lower ends of the transmission. ■The controller that controls the labor process and fetal heart sounds can pause, initialize, start, and resume labor. You can choose the delivery speed according to your needs, there are four gears from 1 to 4. ■Fetal heart sound auscultation: The frequency and volume of fetal heart sound can be set, and the heart rate can be adjusted in the range of “80-180”. ■It can simulate pillow presentation, breech presentation, birth canal stenosis, umbilical cord around neck, placenta previa, etc. ■It is equipped with a highly simulated cervix. ■Equipped with Leopold practice lifting “cushion” for Leopold maneuver practice. ■It is equipped with a prenatal cervical change and birth canal relationship change module, which can be assembled on the mother’s body for training.             Stage 1: The cervical os does not dilate, the cervical canal does not disappear, and the positional relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spine is -5.      Stage 2: The cervical orifice is dilated by 2 cm, the cervical canal disappears by 50%, and the positional relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spine plane is -4.      Stage 3: The cervical orifice is dilated by 4 cm, the cervical canal disappears completely, and the positional relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spine plane is -3.
    Stage 4: The cervical orifice is dilated by 5 cm, the cervical canal disappears completely, and the positional relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spine plane is 0.
         Stage 5: The cervical orifice is dilated by 7 cm, the cervical canal completely disappears, and the positional relationship between the fetal head and the ischial spine plane is +2.
    ■It can measure the descent of the fetal head and the dilation of the cervix.
    ■Can simulate a variety of placental positions
    ■The mother’s arm can establish venous channels for drug administration and delivery of nutrients.
    ■Vulvar suture practice module, divided into three incision positions: lower left, middle and lower right.
    ■Endotracheal intubation training
    ■CPR training:
       artificial respiration and cardiac compression, electronic monitoring of operating data, and voice prompts, the chest can be observed to rise and fall significantly during inhalation.
    Electronic monitoring of insufflation volume, number of insufflations, insufflation frequency, compression site, compression frequency and compression depth.
    1) Excessive air volume: red bar code
    2) Correct air volume: bar code green
    3) Too small air volume: bar code yellow
    4) Insufflation into the stomach, the stomach indicator turns red
    5) Excessive compression depth: bar code red
    6) Correct compression depth: bar code green
    7) Compression depth too small: bar code yellow
    ■ Manually simulate carotid pulse
    neonatal function:
    ■ Venipuncture function: It can perform neonatal scalp venipuncture and arm venipuncture. When successful, there will be blood return.
    ■ Nursing functions: eye wash and drop medicine, neonatal cleaning and bandaging
    can be performed. Neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
    can be performed.
    ■ Baby umbilical cord care is available.
    Support mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose, simple respirator-to-mouth and other ventilation methods
    ■Can perform artificial respiration
    ■Can perform cardiac compression

    GD/F55 Advanced Childbirth and Mother and Child First Aid Simulator

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